
Watch the Moon Tonight

NASA reports the moon is going to be the largest seen since 1993. And they don't know why people perceive it as larger... Should be spectacular though, creeping over the mountains.


Shelly! said...

So does this mean all the Twilighters will be out in force? Do I need to buy a wooden cross? Or maybe some black shoe polish?

Oh wait - maybe the full moon is just for all the lycanthropes. Wonder when that book is going to arrive...

Marie said...

I must add an adendum... they do know why the moon will be larger, it will be closer to the earth. The not understood part is why the moon appears even larger to us when it's on the horizon line. Just wanted to clear that up. Not to discredit you or anything. I still like you... as a cousin.

Christin said...

Thanks for the heads up! I love blogging!

SGarff said...

Yeah I saw it earlier tonight. It was incredible. The fires here in SoCal painted it a bright orange. I felt like I was on some distant planet.