June 3, 1848.
Richard B did not survive his broken arms. We really don't know how he died from broken arms, but are hearbroken all the same. We couldn't afford a proper tombstone, so we had to use this strange one.

Stacey A seems to have made a full recovery, but we're not really sure. We only hear from her when she's sick. Come to think of it, I haven't heard a peep out of JBIII since we started down the trail.
June 10, 1848.
Pa has been taking out his rage on the local wildlife again. I think it's his way of coping with Richard B's sudden passing. We're in the shadow of Chimney Rock, but the hunting is scarce. Pa seems to feel better after bagging some little animals, but we're eating more than he brings back to the wagon. The oxen are restless and Stacey A may be coming down with diptheria.
June 17, 1848.
Back on the trail. We passed Chimney Rock yesterday. Another thief broke into our wagon, though, and took off with one of our oxen. We're down to three.
June 30, 1848.
Made it to Independence Rock. We've been going at a grueling pace for the last few days. Pa seems really determined to get to Oregon.
July 4, 1848.
I would celebrate today, but Stacey A came down with the Pox. She's got it rough. I wonder why Pa never catches anything from us. And why JBIII is so dern healthy!
July 27, 1848.
After more grueling pace days and tight rations, I'm starting to question Pa's leadership abilities. Our health is very poor, we've got very little water, and all we've had to eat for the past few months is buffalo, rabbit, squirrel, and dear meat. Richard B died from some broken arms. And now Stacey A is stricken with a fever. Will we ever make it to Oregon?
August 2, 1848.
Crossed another river today. I don't care to name landmarks or quote people anymore. We're moving so quickly that I don't find the desire anymore. In fact, Pa seems a man possessed--all he talks about is the "Oregon Top Ten."
On top of that, last night a thief snuck in and stole one of our oxen. We're not quite sure how he did it, but are impressed more than upset. We've still got two, more than enough to pull our relatively light wagon.
August 8, 1848.
Ran into one of those bankers from Chicago, today. Seems like they started their journey in June and are passing us up. Pa seemed a bit angry. At least we'll get a higher score... I hope.
August 13, 1848.
Food is scarce now. We're near Fort Boise, and it seems the Idaho territory has only cactus and teeny bears to offer in the way of food. We may be forced to eat little JBIII. Stacey A is feeling much better, and only has two or three diseases at this point. She'll have to live with the Tuberculosis, but with the coastal air in her lungs, I think she'll have at least 5 years after we get there. Maybe more.
September 20, 1848.
I regret not keeping this journal more regular of late. In the past month we've seemed to fall into the same rut of day in and day out. Hunt, rest, travel, hunt, rest, travel, one of us gets sick, arrive at a fort, rest, travel, hunt, rest, fix the wagon, Stacey A gets sick, wonder if JBIII is still alive. So much monotony.
October 1, 1848.
We arrived at the Columbia River today. Apparently, we can either take the toll road or float our wagon down the River. Seeing as how Pa used up the last of our money on bullets on the plains, looks like we'll be dodging rocks down the Columbia.

I can't believe we're almost there!!
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