An Open Letter

Thanksgiving, Pt. 2

Three things I'm afraid of (and why):
1. Oprah
If power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely, when is Oprah going to destroy us all?
2. The Future
This is all speculation, but it keeps me up at night: What if Michael J. Fox and Dr. Brown had it right? What if my rock star future depends on a hypothetical drag race I might or might not have with a gang of local hooligans? What if the decisions I make today could turn my future progeny into whining, sniveling airheads? What if our future flying cars run off nuclear energy and one melts down on the aerial I-15? What if I accidently ride my hoverboard over a body of water? What if my time machine gets stuck in the past and I can't find the requisite 1.21 gigawatts to power the flux capacitor? What if I don't get to end up with the girl in a tricked-out truck and a weekend camping trip? What if....
3. Egg Nog
What is actually in it? Milk, sugar, and eggs? What if it goes bad and I drink it? And if it's so great, why do people tend to drink it with a hefty spike of rum? Isn't that what Pirates drink to stave off a case of the Mondays? Do Pirates drink Egg Nog?
4. Being an Attorney
Granted, the great majority of attorneys are great people. However, the greatness of this group is not what worries me. This great group of people collectively suffers from Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, Autism, Turett's Syndrome, and Severe Nerd Tendencies. Don't believe me? Go into any law firm and say "I'd like someone to take my case pro bono." Observe the ensuing chaos.
Seriously, I'm excited to enter this field and try to work some good and become great at what I do. But knowing now what I know about attorneys (see Above Paragraph), I must question my own mental state:
OCD: If you consider my losing sleep at night because I should have established my web address as "bev" not "ebv" to keep it in the proper alphabetical order, then YES.
Autism: "The three main characteristics [of autism] are (1) impairments in social interaction, (2) impairments in communication, (3) restricted interests and (4) repetitive behavior."
(1). When in social situations, I tend to talk about law school;
(2). When communicating about law school, I often don't notice when other people's eyes glaze over;
(3). My interests are pretty varied--from law school pedagogy to law school success programs;
(4). I don't feel my behavior is repetitive. But the fact that the above list states there are three main characteristics of autism when it actually lists four was enough to make me want to reboot the computer. Sooooo...
Turetts Syndrome. I don't consider myself to have a potty mouth. But sometims, whether I'm driving or analyzing arguments from opposing counsel, the angriest language slips out. At these times, I've been known to shout something like "Stupid, stupid, STUPID!" (always in threes) and slap my forehead in frustration. If I get excited, on the other hand, you may overhear me say "Yeah, yeah, YEAH!" (again, always in threes) and shake my celebratory fist in the air. I can't control these things. They just pop out!
Severe Nerd Tendencies. See All Previous Blog Posts up to This Point.
Check Plus.
Hmmm...maybe this is the field for me after all. I fit right in.

Football Haiku
Car Scratching
Well, noticed the front bumper of my beloved Corolla this morning had some nifty scratches on it, courtesy of some inconsiderate other bumper. A couple took off the paint. I've narrowed down the possible locales for the damage: Church or the Law School.
Whichever venue it was, no one left a note.
Sigh. The irony is scrawling itself across some after-life's sky as you read this.
If there is a hell, there is a unique place for non-note-leavers. Or at least a short stop in purgatory. Maybe one where they have to write me a note with their contact info in order to get through the pearly gates.
(Insert frustrated pejorative term here).
Current Mood: Burning Out Like the Lone Ember in the Long-Extinguished Firepit of Academia.

Just for fun...
Magic. Even better when you factor in the reality of my attending East! Thanks t0 Law School classmates who really know how to kill time in lieu of finals preparation.
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It's Hip to be a Vampire no Longer

Gender Roleing
I got a letter in the mail today from the American Bar Association (hoity-toitiness to its extreme) addressed to one Mary B. Vogeler.
(Now, to all those readers who may not know, I am in fact a man. With that little distinction out of the way, I will proceed.)
At first, I thought the ABA might be pranking me. They've been known to have fun at least once in their prestigious history, and I figured this could be the second time. But upon further review, I'm convinced they've just made an error and consider me to be Ms. Mary B. Vogeler, future esquire.
Rolling with this new-found gender freedom, below is my list of seven things I'd like to do if I really were a woman.
1. Slumber Party!!!
I want to know what goes on at these things. Shrouded in mystery, this foundation of teen- and college-aged female bonding time has perplexed boys and men alike for at least some millenia now. What really happens there? I have my hypotheses, but aside from pillow fights, nail-painting, frozen bras, and giggly girl talk...what makes the slumber party so mysterious and so secretive? If a guy asks a girl what she and her girlfriends did while there...well, he'll probably hear something like "Oh, just girl stuff."
I may not know much about women, but I have learned that "girl stuff" is actually code for "Oh, so many things that I swore an oath upon my copy of Twilight to never share with anyone outside of the Slumber Party upon penalty of social death."
Hmmm.... On second thought, maybe I don't want to know what goes on there.
2. The Ladies' Room
This is one category I've actually witnessed. The ladies room at any respectable joint tends to be the porcelain equivalent of Shangri-La. Leather sofas, ottomans, gold appointments, platinum hardware, eunuch servants zestilly brandishing grapes and hot towels, ready to defend the place from "guys" with their deadly scimitars.
Don't worry, unlike the Slumber Party, I don't need to infiltrate the Ladies' room. I already know (or am convinced of) what goes on in there.
I just want to be able to lounge or bask or be waited upon in the bathroom if the feeling so strikes me...
3. Complete Power Over Slightly-less-than 50% of the Population
Come on. You know it's true.
Women as a community have us guys pleasantly wrapped around their pleasant fingers. With that kind of power, I'm surprised the world hasn't blown up yet.
You know if guys had that power...we'd um...well...I imagine that not a lot would ever get done.
This would be the equivalent of a super power to most guys. Think a combination of mind control, visual manipulation, and fire. Don't believe me? Ask any guy who's ever been smitten by any girl. Equal parts FIRE and ice.
I'm so grateful that most ladies out there don't abuse their super powers, for with them comes great responsibility.
4. Shopping
I really just want to know where all the money goes--and how it goes so quickly!
5. Police Encounters
I want to be able to get out of a speeding ticket with nothing more than a few blinked back tears, a quivering voice, and a coy smile.
Believe me, I've tried. The response for Eric B. Vogeler: "Cowboy Up, Pansy Man! I'm chocking up another 10 miles for crying."
You see, for men, there's no crying in...well...whatever we do.
6. Girls' Intramural Flag Football
See post below. Heck, I'm tempted to invest in a wig and a coconut bra and try my luck with the Blitz anyway.
and No. 7 . . . ? If I were Mary B. instead of Eric Boyd, I'd probably laugh at the idea of being Eric Boyd and shiver at the thought of being a guy.
I wonder...what would YOU like to do if you were the opposite gender?

I really mean it. Meanest Sport Ever: Girls Intramural Flag Football
Law and Order
This is why you don't mess with a law student anytime near finals. Seriously:
It's so good to know that I'm not the only one who would FREAK OUT if someone touched my laptop near finals time. It's also good to know that law students are blessed with special ninja skills when their babies...er...computers are threatened. Fight or flight.
Come to think of it, this brave law student probably analyzed all of the torts and criminal infractions this perp had engaged in before deciding how to proceed.
All I have to say? Your apartment is your castle, brother. But your laptop is your fair maiden. Way to prioritize!
ALS-- A Good Man, A Horrible Disease, A Wonderful Cause

Jason Chaffetz--Putting the C back in Conservative

Grats Obama FTW!!!
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