God, Magic, Football, and Collie

Tag-- I'm IT!
Here are the rules of the game.
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself: some random - some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names - link to them.
4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.
I shall now begin:
Fact 1: I have broken both of my pinky fingers on several occasions. Dislocation, sprain, break, etc. This has not hampered my Nintendo skills, even though my pinkies are now both thicker than my index fingers.

Fact 3: I baptized my Teddy Bear in the Toilet at age 4. He needed forgiveness!
Fact 4: I love good books, but hate the people that write them. Every time I read an interview with one of them, I think "Holy Hell! If this schmuck could write the next great American novel, I CAN!!" And then I swiftly realize that I can't even hold together a relevant social life, let alone write a book.
Fact 5: I miss the University of Utah like an old man misses his prunes: life was so much smoother and more regular with the U in my life.
Fact 6: I can't wait for my little brother to get home from Mexico in July for two reasons:
1) I love Mikee a ton
2) We need to take a picture of the three Vogeler brothers posing seductively in front of The Van. See http://ebv.blogspot.com/2007/07/magical-evening.html.
Fact 7: Irony is often an integral part of my relationships. Examples:
1. One of my exes decided that we needed to "talk" about our relationship. That is always a bad
sign that most guys misread. I was one of those guys who misread it. While we were talking about our relationship, Ben Folds' "The Luckiest" was playing softly in the background. I remember thinking "Man, this song is so right on...I am the luckiest!" She followed up my thought by breaking up with me. I then remember distinctly thinking "That sucks. This is not lucky."
2. I was dating a girl in the summer of 2005, and we often stayed up late since she worked night shifts at a restaurant and I worked late at Kaplan. Most nights I would come home around 2:00 to 3:00 am. Realizing this was problematic for the beginning of school, we decided we needed to get to say goodbye earlier so we could get some sleep and be functional human beings. One night, remembering our plan, I told her that I needed to be up early, and that she needed to sleep, so I left her place at 12:00 midnight (early for a summer evening). On the way home I blacked out/fell asleep at the wheel and totalled the car. I woke up with an airbag in my face, a shattered windshield all around me, and a text message on my phone that said: "I'm so proud of you for saying goodbye early. Have a great night!"
3. I am now married to lovely Lady Law. Iroically, though, she has yet to provide with Life, Liberty, or the Pursuit of Happiness. However, she has stuck with through the best times and the worse, through sickness and in health, etc. Most of the time, though, I wish she'd go away.
Well, that's it. Here goes, in no particular order of tagging:
Scott and Courtney, http://shjacobsen.blogspot.com/
Cody and Madelyn, http://mcaustintx.blogspot.com/
Dave and Kristin, http://dpattenj.blogspot.com/
Matt, http://jackenpox.blogspot.com/
Whitney, http://whitlin.blogspot.com/
Andrew, http://sosaidmybrain.blogspot.com/
Melanie and Riley. http://alittlebloggoesalongway.blogspot.com/
Enjoy all!

And, in fact, you can do just that here-- http://www.i-mockery.com/minimocks/duckhunt/.
Also in 1985:
-The highly ranked BYU football team, coming off their National Championship, and with their eye on another couple of weeks sans Honor Code, loses to the mighty Miners of UTEP--their only win of the season. A mighty cheer erupts from the hill in Salt Lake City, while wailing, gnashing of teeth, and rending of clothes combine to cause Provo's collective ego to...well...stay about where it was.
-Mike Tyson makes his professional debut in Albany, NY, launching a storied, high-pitched, low-punched, nail/ear/girl-biting career. Somewhere, somehow a Japanese programmer begins to develop the Anti-Mike: Little Mick, the 8-bit wunderkind. Next post will outline Little Mick's much more storied and happier-ending career.
-The Disney World monorail catches fire due to the friction from a flat tire. Thankfully, no one was hurt. Unfortunately, monorails continue to be built nation-wide as the "greatest innovation in public transportation since the bus." Yeah, ask Seattle how that went.
-Norm Bangerter begins his first term in office as Utah governor. His greatest achievement--the highway bearing his name--is completed shortly thereafter (well, OK, 1998). Other potential names for the stretch of road:
a. The Mormon Motorway
b. The Salt Lake Sheet Street
c. The Westside Highway (REALLY!) http://members.aol.com/utahhwys/rte154.htm
-Eric Vogeler begins to have memories. His first: Asking his mother mid-June when his birthday would be, as this promised cake, presents, and finally some attention. Her response "Not for another six months." So begins Eric's preoccupation with birthday countdowns.
1985 Present: Optimus Prime. My Parents Loved Me.
1984--Orwell Had it SOOOO Wrong

(NOTE: Timmy and I have since patched things up.)
Also in 1984:

--TaB's original formula, developed in 1963 to help people keep tabs on their dietary intake (get it?), is tweaked on May 16 to mix saccharin with a small amount of aspartame. Thousands of famous athletes, politicians, and movie stars weep at the loss of their pure saccharin TaB and wonder whether they'll live long enough to find another common link so deceptively sweet as their favored drink.


It wasn't until 1985 that Nintendo would be released in North America and subsequently marketed to little boys who would soon become addicted to such classics as Contra, Super Mario Bros., Mike Tyson's Punchout, Metroid, Zelda, Duck Hunt, and Battletoads. However, I thought it only appropo to address the NES's birthdate in a countdown of my own birthday--I mean, we practically grew up together, cried together, loved together, spent countless hours together trying to save the Princess, the World, or the Heavyweight Championship (?). In short, to borrow a line from Sir Paul McCartney: "And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make."
Thanks Nintendo. For the old times, and the new. Here's to another 24 years. Mazeltoff.
Also important in 1983:
-Ronald Reagan dubs 1983 "The Year of the Bible..." and the Jelly Belly
-February 28: "M*A*S*H" finally ends. Alan Alda begins life as a Guest Star on other shows
-"Star Wars" moves from realm of fantasy to...realm of politics...which is circular at best.
-BYU wins the Holiday Bowl, Steve Young announces his intent to enter the AFL draft, and Provo's ego expands to the point of unreality. An ego they maintain to this day.
-"Pioneer 10" becomes first man-made object to leave solar system. Pioneer 10 also becomes the first in a long line of interstellar trash we can only hope will be picked up by interstellar prisoners cleaning up the interstellar highways in bright interstellar orange space suits.
-The death of the first feminist movement is commemorated at the grand opening of the first Hooters in Florida, October 4. Silicone sales go up 200%.
-Microsoft Word is published October 25, 9:00 am ET.
-October 25, 9:30 am: first Word document to be lost because of an undefined error
-October 25, 9:31 am: first copy of Word to be used as a doggy chew toy. Bill Gates' brain turns red, and a shiver runs up his spine. He can't help but smile.
-Baby Eric learns to smile, eat, drink, and poop--habits he maintains to this day.
Best Things of Their Respective Years...1982