
Cerqueira Leite

For all those wanting to know WHY I love Brazil, check these photos out!

Me and the "Advogads, Associados" of Cerqueira Leite

Here's some photos of the "Go Away!" party they threw me last night:

Founding Partner Ricardo Leite on the Guitar, everyone.

Seriously, this externship has been tremendous. Can't tell you how much fun, how educational, and how eye-opening this has all been. Oh, I think I'm gonna cry...



Barb said...

I hardly ever hear positive, glowing reports about internships- it's nice that you were treated well!

Cody said...

Sorry you have to leave. Silver Lining? You'll be in Salt Lake City when Madelyn and I visit. I know thats what you are looking foward to the most.....

ebv said...

TREMENDOUS NEWS!! Worth leaving Brazil, even. It's been near a year now since I've seen you guys! If you're here on the 24th, we are going to see Transformers!!! Exclamation marks!!!!

Cody said...

We'll be there July 4th through July 10th. We'll have to plan on doing something....