
Ahhh... Religion and Politics

Well, this one has sealed the deal for Jason Chaffetz. Read on... Thanks to loyal reader Kyle Witherspoon for the tip. KSL reports today that: SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- The Democratic nominee in Utah's 3rd Congressional District told The Salt Lake Tribune that Jesus would vote for him if he had the chance. WHAT?! I must have missed this divine revelation... Wait. It's not official? Huh. Must be a campaign ploy. I'm just waiting for the deployment of all those yellow silicon bracelets with "HWJV?" emblazoned on them...

Bennion Spencer is writing a book about how Jesus would view certain policies. He says Jesus would oppose making President Bush's tax cuts permanent and that he would support a "very compassionate" immigration policy.

Not to make too light of this scenario, but it's just begging for it. Pretty sure that Jesus was non-partisan and a conscientious abstainer when it came to taxes-- "Rend unto Caesar what is Caesar's...." As to his immigration policy, also pretty sure that Jesus meted out both justice and mercy, but not to any immigrants that I know of. In fact, if memory of the Gospels serves, the only group of people the Savior really couldn't stand was...oh...wait...politicians (pharisees and publicans being the politicos of the Hebrew theocracy). Sorry, Bennion!

Seriously, how do people feel it's OK to extrapolate specific policy and politics from the Savior's principle-based teachings? Of course, individuals have the right to allow those teachings to influence and shape their own beliefs and policies. But to say that "Jesus would do this" always seems self-serving and worse, sacrilegious.

Jesus would do a lot of things if He were walking here today. Somehow, throwing His support behind a politician seems like it would be lower on his list of things to do.

Spencer later backed away from his statement and told the newspaper he isn't sure whether Jesus would vote for him.

Smartest move yet, Mr. Spencer.

But sadly, a little late.


SGarff said...

The real question is: who would Satan vote for? BTW I nearly threw out my back laughing at that cartoon.

Anonymous said...

I love it. In addition to all this, I bet Jesus would read your blog, too.

Christin said...

Thank you brother Vogler! I feel so educated everytime I read your blog. I bet Jesus would keep his vote silent so that people could think for themselves.

Unknown said...

HWJV...that's good...

Anonymous said...

Yes, everything would be perfect if Jesus were in charge of the government. Since he hasn't taken over yet we have to work with mere mortals.